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On All Hallow's Eve in 1517, a young monk named Martin Luther posted a document he hoped would spark an academic debate, but that instead ignited a conflagration that would forever destroy the world he knew. Five hundred years after Luther's Ninety-five Theses appeared, Eric Metaxas paints a startling portrait of the wild figure whose adamantine faith cracked the edifice of Western Christendom and dragged medieval Europe into the future. Luther's...
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After five hundred years of examining the "father of the Reformation," surely we know all there is to know about Martin Luther - but is that true? Did he nail his famous Ninety-Five Theses to the Wittenberg church door? Did his wife escape her convent in a herring barrel? Did he and his wife have spectators on their wedding night? Did he say, "Here I stand. I cannot do otherwise"? German radio and television journalist Andreas Malessa dives gleefully...
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The film vividly portrays key moments in Martin Luther's story. The massive lightning storm that nearly killed him, the bleak self-punishment of his time in the monastery, the corruption that unleashed his anger, the theological breakthrough that reset Christian thought, his trial before the most powerful man in Europe, the staged kidnapping that helped him escape the death penalty, and his ongoing drive to reform the church.
7) Luther
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John Osborne's play is a fascinating and powerful psychological study of the Augustinian monk Martin Luther, examining his central role in the birth of Protestantism and revolt against the Roman Catholic Church.
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