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Biology essentials volume 007
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In this video lesson, Paul Andersen details the evolutionary processes of speciation and extinction. Stickleback evolution in Lake Loberg is used as example of rapid speciation. Adaptive radiation is illustrated using the Hawaiian honeycreeper. A brief discussion of extinctions and mass extinctions is also included.--Publisher.
Biology essentials volume 004
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In this video lesson, Paul Andersen describes pieces of evidence that Charles Darwin used to support the idea of evolution and his process of natural selection. He begins with the following evidence used in the Origin of Species: artificial selection, biogeography, fossils, and homologies. He finishes with a discussion of DNA and how it can be used to unravel the evolution of life on our planet.--Publisher.
Biology essentials volume 003
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In this video lesson, Paul Andersen describes genetic drift as a mechanism for evolutionary change. A population genetics simulator is used to show the importance of large population size in neutralizing random change. The near extinction of the northern elephant is used as an example of the bottleneck effect. The high incidence of total colorblindness due to a typhoon that hit the small island of Pingelap is also included.--Publisher.
In this book, early fluent readers will learn about the unique indestructibility of cockroaches. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage young readers as they learn more about the special biological adaptions that make cockroaches one of nature's superheroes.
An infographic aids understanding, and an activity offers readers an opportunity to extend discovery. Children can learn more about cockroaches using our safe search...
Biology essentials volume 006
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In this video lesson, Paul Andersen discusses the specifics of phylogenetics. The evolutionary relationships of organisms are discovered through both morphological and molecular data. A specific type of phylogenetic tree, the cladogram, is also covered.--Publisher.
"Why is the world the way it is? How did we get here? Does everything happen for a reason or are some things left to chance? Philosophers and theologians have pondered these questions for millennia, but startling scientific discoveries over the past half century are revealing that we live in a world driven by chance. A Series of Fortunate Events tells the story of the awesome power of chance and how it is the surprising source of all the beauty and...
7) Populations
Biology essentials volume 050
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In this video lesson, Paul Andersen explains how populations interact in an ecosystem. The symbiosis of several populations is based on effects that may be neutral, positive, or negative. Interactions like mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism are discussed. Human impacts to ecosystems are also considered using the invasive species kudzu.--Publisher.
Biology essentials volume 005
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In this video lesson, Paul Andersen describes three main characteristics of life that are conserved in all organisms on the planet. The universal genetic code, the central dogma of biology, and shared metabolic pathways give us details of the original universal ancestor. He also explains how eukaryotic cells gained complexity through infolding of the cell membrane and endosymbiosis.--Publisher.
Biology essentials volume 001
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In this video lesson, Paul Andersen explains how natural selection is a major mechanism in evolution. The video begins with a discussion of Charles Darwin and the details of natural selection. The data of the peppered moth during the industrial revolution is used to show the process of adaptation. Allele frequencies are calculated before and after the selection. The adaptation of cichlids in African lakes is also included.--Publisher.
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Combining images of living plant stages with computer simulations allows you to easily bridge the gap between the familiar plant and the micro-environment contained within it. Three dimensional animations take you inside the pollen cone and the seed cone to see reproductive structures such as sporangia, gametophytes and the archegonia. Witness dynamic events such as pollination, gametophyte formation, fertilization, embryo formation and seed germination.....
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The Oedogoniales are remarkable filamentous green algae. Their method of cell elongation is unique, utilizing a donut-shaped ring of soft wall material which is stretched to form the new daughter cell. While Oedogonium is a simple filament, the related Bulbochaete and Oedocladium are branched and Bulbochaete differentiates long hair cells. The zoospore is large and multiflagellated. Sexual reproduction is oogamous and either “macrandrous” or “nannandrous.”...
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Mitosis requires cells to organize numerous jumbled chromosomes and then separate them with absolute fidelity into two equal groups. How this extraordinary process is accomplished is still poorly understood.. This video reveals the events of mitosis at a level of detail usually seen only in research laboratories. In addition, two Appendices show mitosis in a classical system, the diatom cell, and some experiments on living cells that illustrate why...
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Diatoms are an extraordinarily successful group of organisms and their many thousands of species have diversified and specialized so as to occupy every environmental niche. Part of their success derives from their unique protective cell walls, beautifully elaborate structures made of pure silica. However, living inside walls made of this rigid, refractory material creates many problems. Just how diatoms circumvent these problems provides the major...
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Combining images of living plant stages with computer simulations allows you to easily bridge the gap between the familiar plant and the micro-environment contained within it. Computer animations take you inside a clump of moss plants to illustrate external structure. You are then transported inside the tips of male and female stems where gametangia (sex organs), sperm release, fertilization and embryo development are illustrated..
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Combining images of living plant stages with computer simulations allows you to easily bridge the gap between the familiar plant and the micro-environment contained within it. Three dimensional animations take you inside the flower to witness dynamic events such as pollination, gametophyte formation, fertilization, embryo formation and fruit formation are seen as spectacular computer simulations..
Publication Date
Living Cells features greatly expanded coverage of subject matter and extensive additional footage when compared to the original video tape of 1992. The vivid, high-magnification images introduce students to a variety of cells, cellular activities, and subcellular organelles. The video is organized into 24 chapters on specific topics such as actin, microtubules, and flagella.. The Living Cells video offers a most convenient way of accessing beautiful...
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The Volvocales and Chlorococcales share a common ancestry from a cell type exemplified by Chlamydomonas. Using live cells, this video shows how simple evolutionary trends working on Chlamydomonad ancestors have generated diversity and complexity.. In Volvocalean evolution, unicellular ancestors became multicellular (e.g., Volvox) by daughter cells adhering after division. Concurrently, they evolved various advanced characters (e.g., differentiation...
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For convenience, biologists divide living organisms into five “Kingdoms”: the Monerans (bacteria and cyanobacteria), Protists, Fungi, Plants, and Animals. The Kingdom Protista includes a vast array of tiny eukaryotic cells that lead complex and extraordinary lives far from the eyes of most humans; a dedication to microscopy is vital to see them in all their splendor. This video is a unique resource introducing the viewer to a considerable range...
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Combining images of living plant stages with computer simulations allows you to easily bridge the gap between the familiar plant and the micro-environment contained within it. Three dimensional animations take you in and around reproductive structures such as the sorus, sporangium, and antheridium and archegonium. You see dynamic events such as spore formation, spore release, prothallus formation, sperm release, fertilization and embryo growth..
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Three dimensional animations, supported by aurthoritative narrations, explore the leaf surface and explain the functioning of the guard cells. The viewer is then taken inside the leaf to see the photosynthesis and conducting cells. Witness the dynamic events of guard cell movements, gas exchange and the transport of water and sugars. Animations also illustrate the forms of leaves and how they are modified for dry and aquatic habitats..
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