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2) Animal
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Photographs and text provide information about a variety of animals found in ecosystems around the world.
Incredible tales of unlikely animal friendships make the perfect five-minute bedtime stories!
Joker the dog loves to dive in and swim with his dolphin buddies. Gerald, a shy giraffe, learned to make friends with help from his goat pal, Eddie. And Miwa-chan the monkey always gets piggyback rides from his friend Uribo-a wild pig! These are 12 incredible tales of unlikely animal friendships. Perfect as an introduction to nonfiction, young readers will...
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"This nonfiction reader compares and contrasts sixteen of the fiercest flying pterosaurs. Readers will learn about each pterosaur's unique features, behavior, and more. Then, compare and contrast the battling pterosaurs before finally discovering the winner! This nonfiction series is full of facts, photos, and realistic illustrations. It includes a range of mammals, sea creatures, insects, and dinosaurs to satisfy all kinds of animal fans"--
Lucy jumped out of bed and wanted to visit a farm today. Her mum thought that was a great idea! She had no plans, but it looked like a really nice day. So, they got ready, and they drove off to the farm.
All Lucy wanted to do was to enjoy her day and see some farm animals. But poor Lucy got more than she had hoped for...
She doesn't remember visiting any farm quite like this one!
Este libro ofrece una introducción al fascinante mundo de los murciélagos frugívoros en las Maldivas. Cubre las dos especies que viven allí, el Zorro Volador Negro y el Zorro Volador Pequeño, y explora su comportamiento, dieta, estructura social, hábitat y más. También analiza el importante papel que desempeñan en el ecosistema, su relación con las plantas nativas, su caza y su importancia para la cultura local. Este libro es una gran fuente...
La historia narra las aventuras de Quetzalí, un quetzal hembra de la selva petenera, cuando decide viajar al sur para rescatar a su pareja, Quetzalkín, quien ha sido raptado por cazadores furtivos; durante el viaje enfrenta distintos desafíos, como la falta de permiso migratorio, la persecución de cuervos (la Ley del cielo) o el intento de robo por parte de una pandilla de mapaches, pero logra superarlos con ayuda de sus viejos amigos, como el...
If you are eager to explore the wonders of the Amazon rainforest while educating and entertaining your young ones, A to Z Creatures of the Amazon is the book for you. This guidebook introduces young readers to the fascinating wildlife of the Amazon and introduces them to the unique animals that inhabit this lush ecosystem. A to Z Creatures of the Amazon is an educational treasure trove that provides quick and interesting facts about each creature...
¡Cuántas especies pueblan nuestro planeta, cuántas maneras de nacer, crecer y vivir! Cada nueva vida es un pequeño milagro.
Un delicado libro donde las transparencias nos desvelan este viaje donde todo empieza. Nacimientos de diferentes animales impresos en papel vegetal que desvelan a cada paso las diferentes etapas de estos nacimientos.
Este libro ganó en 2019 el premio Serra d'Or.
11) Cyrus the Pig
Poor Cyrus felt he could bring little to the farm but in these 12 stories he proves himself wrong. They are designed to be read by adults to children or by children on their own, and celebrate Cyrus cunning and resourcefulness as he deals with the problems of the farm and his fellow animals,.
We believe today's parents are ready for something different, and TUKIE TALESTM is ready to deliver. Imagine a world where people treat each other with respect, kindness, and would care about other living things. These concepts can change the course of our future.
TUKIE TALESTM is a series of fun and entertaining stories for children. The characters are Tukies, young forest animals, and a young brother and sister named Jake and Amy. Tukies are...
Shark attacks on tourists have become more frequent off the coast of an Egyptian tourist town. This panics Red Sea lovers and confuses scientists themselves. There are no survivors. While scientists are figuring out the cause of the attacks, another victim is trying to survive. How will this fight with the wolf of the seas and oceans end?
What's the Story?-3: Past, Present and Future is Kim Matics' third collection of short stories in the series. A few themes of the 27 stories and poems are semi-autobiographical in nature, starting with past incidents from her mother's childhood, followed by her own formative years living with artistic and musical parents. Then the mood shifts to London, where the author continued academic research as a postgraduate student. The subsequent category...
Shadows and Stars: The World's 20 Coolest Nocturnal Animals invites readers into the mysterious and enchanting world of night-dwelling creatures. This beautifully illustrated book explores the fascinating lives of the Aye-Aye, Bat, Fox, Coyote, Red Pandas, Genet, Hedgehog, Ocelot, Opossum, Owl, Owl Monkey, Nine-Banded Armadillo, Pangolin, Quoll, Raccoon, Skunk, Slow Loris, Sloth, Luna Moth, and Red-eyed Tree Frog.
From the silent flight of the...
En este libro, observamos más de cerca los hechos
únicos y fascinantes sobre el Lince Europeo. Exploramos
su hábitat y dieta, su comportamiento y esfuerzos de
conservación, y aprendimos acerca de sus impresionantes
habilidades. También discutimos las amenazas que
enfrenta esta especie, y cómo podemos ayudar a
protegerlos. Esperamos que este libro te haya dado una
mayor apreciación por este hermoso animal, y que ayudes
a conservarlos...
Witness a heartwarming journey with Mary and her four adorable puppies as they search for their perfect homes. Each puppy possesses a unique personality, from the adventurous Scout to the gentle Bella, making the story a delightful read for children.
As Mary lovingly nurtures her furry friends, young readers will discover the importance of friendship, kindness, and the joy of finding one's place in the world. The enchanting tale unfolds with...
Just because these animals are small, that doesn't mean they're not strong! Each mini story in this Level 2 reader tells the true tale of a tiny fighter featured on The Dodo's "Little but Fierce" series, including a French bulldog, an alpaca, and a squirrel. These animals pushed beyond their size to prove just how big their hearts could be! From runts of the litter and animals with disabilities, these tough creatures showed the world that size doesn't...
19) 50 Odd Couples
These animal pairs don't look like they'd be the best of friends -- but sometimes a new friend is closer than you think! This book features more than 100 pages of unexpected, heartwarming, and unlikely animal friendships!
These 50 odd couples -- from dogs and ducks and cats and lambs, to rhinos and hippos to even buffalos and pigs! -- have all been featured on The Dodo. This incredibly popular animal brand has over 33 million followers across social...
El hecho de que estos animales sean pequeños ¡no significa que no sean fuertes! Cada historia corta de este lector Nivel 2 trata acerca de algún diminuto luchador, incluyendo un bulldog francés, una alpaca y una ardilla. Estos animales superan su tamaño ¡y prueban cuán grandes son sus corazones! Desde cachorros hasta animales con discapacidades, estas resistentes criaturas le muestran al mundo que el tamaño no importa. Cada página contiene...
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